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# k3s
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As I understand it: if you had 3 server nodes in your High Availability cluster and you've turned off one you still have an HA cluster, because you have a quorum or working servers. If you turn off another one you don't have a quorum of working servers any more, so the cluster is now broken.
I know that. The idea is to convert to a single master cluster.
Okay. It's good you've said that, because I don't think it was clear in your initial question 🙂
You can use the backup and restore system to go from 3 nodes to 1 because you are using the embedded etcd.
Basically you • create a snapshot • kill the servers • restart server 1 with
and the snapshot path • restart server 1 again without
• Don't ever start server 2 and 3 • ... • Profit
you can then readd nodes 2 and 3 as just agents if you want.