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# vsphere
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Thank you @agreeable-oil-87482. is the portgroup needed or can we choose network?
Not sure I follow. A portgroup is a network
I should say vSwitch or distributed vSwitch.
In your blog post you use a portgroup with a vds. Can we use with a vSwitch?
I think it's for vds only
@agreeable-oil-87482 thank you very much for your help. I had to reread a few times but I finally got the network address pool going. It works with a normal vswitch. The missing peice is that your information in the rancher vapp is actually what is supplied with the dynamic settings when set in the vapps properties. I have to test out the parsing part and because we use rhel then it is a different ip address setting but that extrapolation of the networking info is very nifty. Thank you very much!
You're most welcome. Yeah the script that's sent to cloud-init will need a slight tweak depending on the OS/Network manager being used, interface names etc.