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# k3s
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@magnificent-egg-26329 Hi I set the variable and use that, for example;
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curl -sfL <> | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--node-ip $NODE_IP --node-external-ip $NODE_IP" \
            K3S_URL="<https://master-node:6443>" \
            K3S_TOKEN_FILE=/etc/rancher/k3s/node-token-seed K3S_NODE_NAME=$NODE_NAME sh -
I am going to set --node-ip to some private lan ip, and the node-external-ip to some public ip. I’d like to know 1. Is the setting only applicable to agent? From the docs, they are put under the agent section. 2. What is the use and difference of node-ip and node-external-ip.
@magnificent-egg-26329 Hi, it's needed if you have multiple interfaces, sounds like in your case you do... No, it can be applicable to all (if you want), I use for example
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server -- cluster-init --node-ip $NODE_IP --node-external-ip $NODE_IP
👍 1