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# general
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It's not quite what you were asking, but I think doing something like
while true; do sleep 15; done
keeps the shell believing itself to be active.
That would be something different. The app is running just fine. its not restarting or anything. I have nearly 300 apps and the behavior is the same for all of them. If I want to look at the logs if have to keep closing the window and clicking view logs again. And If I click on execute shell, it works but if I don’t do any thing for a few seconds it will disconnect
In the execute shell, as long as I am actively typing commands its fine. But if I go and do something else it becomes disconnected after maybe 20 or 30 seconds. My question is, is there a setting somewhere that controls this timeout value?
No clue and it doesn't help with the logs, but if you had a reason you didn't want the shell to timeout then the loop will make the shell believe it's active enough to keep it active. That's why I said it wasn't quite what you were asking but didn't know if it'd help for what you wanted or not.