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# general
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why are you trying to delete them? They’re managed by klipper-lb so yes, if you delete them, it will re-create them as long as the service that requires them exists
@creamy-pencil-82913 when we stop the Load Balancer service, the svclb instances are not killed, as we have seen in the past. We restart the LB service (with new definitions), we seem to end up with conflicts of ports / names, due to the lingering svclbs
what do you mean by ‘stop’ the LB service. You mean the pods don’t get cleaned up when the service is deleted?
Kubernetes doesn’t really have a concept of “stopping” a Service. You can delete it, or delete (scale to 0) the pods that back it while leaving the service defined, but Services themselves don’t have a ‘started’ or ‘stopped’ state.
If you are deleting the service and the svclb pods remain, that’s a problem though.
Yes, we delete the LB service and the pods remain. We agree it is a bug. Is there a work around to get the pods to go away?
Would you mind opening a github issue?
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