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# epinio
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did you run
epinio settings update
? It looks like it's not addressing the right URL
No. That was not mentioned at all within the starting guide
In the meantime, I'm doing a deployment using the Epinio UI ... Paketo build is running
it's mentioned in the home page, so we have probably to polish a bit the docs site ๐Ÿซค I'm pretty sure it's written somewhere
Do you know why I got the red error within the UI ?
did you have an error in the buildpack logs in the UI? Otherwise we should have a look at the logs in the Epinio server
I dont think so. Will do another test after launch break
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Thanks, if it fails again it will be nice to collect the logs to have a look at them!
I think that I know the reason as we cannot specify the path of a git project using the UI
Ah, well, if you're using the git origin then yes, it assumes that the app is at the root of the project
We have some sample repos in the Epinio organization, if you want to try some
epinio settings update
instruction is printed when you finish the helm installation. This is the actual text:
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To interract with your Epinio installation download the latest epinio binary from <>.

Update the api location and credentials with:
    `epinio settings update`

or go to the dashboard at: <>

For more information about Epinio, feel free to checkout <> and <>.
but sure, we can add that to the docs in case someone misses it in the output. PRs are welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰
I can reproduce the error. Something happened during the build
[stage-workspace-spring-6b5b276db9927617a0413c1164cbd93bbcc5pxpx] buildpack: *ERROR:* failed to build: exit status 1
. This is a JAVA issue -->
[ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory (/workspace/source/app). Please verify you invoked
This is strange as I use this github repo - and branch = main which contains a pom.xml file ....
Google returns a link to some related issue but it's in Chinese and it's full of adds (copying text from other places maybe?). I don't want to share the link here to avoid people visiting sites with adds (I think it also links to porn ๐Ÿ˜ž ) but here is the text:
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Spring PetClinic has long had a maven build, recently a gradle build was added.

    Using the latest tiny paketo builder, both the gradle and maven buildpacks detect. The gradle buildpacks runs, removes the source code, then the maven buildpacks fails running because it's unable to find a pom.xml
there is no solution provided afaict
the question is from
2021-12-23 12:48:20
and there are some suggestions there (disable gradle or maven?)
Got it. Can we do a new build using the Epinio UI ?
If you'd like to rebuild the app without changing anything Epinio side, you can do so by the applications menu (when listing apps it's the three dots on the right of the app row, when viewing an application it's the three dots top right). there should be a 'rebuild' option there
[object Object]
message isn't great. if you get the chance could you provide the http response for that failed request? Did it take a long time to return?