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# epinio
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By default a couple of users are created (
, both with password
) but you can override this settings in the helm values
The output at the end of the install should help you
ah, ok, so they are being created at install time then. The way it reads makes it seem like they might be established accounts. I see now that in the Rancher apps UI, it looks like only domain is required. Do you have some pointers on that part?
oh, nvm
I also see that the origin is not reqd. I'll give this a quick shot
If you follow the steps in the site you can see that the only required value is the domain ๐Ÿ™‚
I followed the steps but the UI portion threw me off. So used to vanilla helm. Which I could have done, but I'm documenting this for my suse partner stuff ๐Ÿ™‚
Alright so I already have a letsencrypt-production clusterissuer, and cert-manager already installed (into namespace cert-manager) Here are my errors:
Copy code
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ClusterIssuer "letsencrypt-production" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; label validation error: missing key "<|>": must be set to "Helm"; annotation validation error: missing key "<|>": must be set to "epinio"; annotation validation error: missing key "<|>": must be set to "epinio"
I deleted the existing clusterissuer and it looks like it's installing, will report
hm yes it seems that we create the "letsencrypt-production" cluster issuer unconditionally with this rather "default" name ( . I'm wondering if this deserves a boolean flag to control its creation.
It seemed like the questions (Rancher UI) were leaning in that direction when asking the user if they wanted to use a custom issuer or predefined. I wasn't sure if it meant if it was for public or private, but the letsencrypt-production being a predefined in the drop-down made it seem like it was intended for this purpose
keep in mind, for letsencrypt to work, your system domain should be accessible from the outside, otherwise the challenge won't be solvable: (we do the http one)
Yea I use http01 certs as well
I would have preferred if I could have installed it using the staging issuer first then done an upgrade to switch it to production
In this case I'm currently having a problem with external-dns for some reason, so I need to uninstall epinio until I can get that fixed so it doesn't kill my failed cert quota ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
if this is not meant to be a "production" installation, maybe you can start with the private-ca issuer first (or self-signed)
I'll do that, I just remembered to go uninstall it as I was typing lol
As a user that already has cert manager installed with issuers configured, I would have tried to specify my existing letsencrypt-staging clusterissuer by providing that in the install, or a specifically named predefined option (parity with the letsencrypt-production issuer)
yes that makes sense. Let me create an issue to fix this
Here you are: feel free to comment ๐Ÿ™‚