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# rancher-desktop
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say I need to run/start a new container from another container
@fast-garage-66093 @best-city-49378 @best-accountant-68201 thoughts or pointers ?
I build the nerdctl image and ran it with
mode and was able to run a container from within the
but I am curious to know if I can share the namespaces and containers from RD with customer container from which I will spin/run another container
so that the
nerdctl run
from the container need not have to download the images every time
I don't know about rancher desktop, but for lima it was preferred to just run things on the VM (like k8s) rather than use nested containers (like kind)
yeah k8s is the preferred way but as part of CI thing that I am working with I need to have a container trigger running of another container for build purpose
actually by building
as container image and used it to do the container in container. It did work well but I dont how to share the storage so that it can reuse existing container images
If I understand what you're doing, you can re-use images by bind mounting the
image directory. I believe it's listed here: