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# rancher-desktop
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This is the exact issue I was running into yesterday. I think @kind-iron-72902 indicated that some kind of external registry has to be used. I am starting to experiment with that now.
@best-accountant-68201 Is this a known issue with
, or is this supposed to work?
That needs configuring buildkitd to use containerd worker
buildkitd --oci-worker=false --containerd-worker=true
Hmm, we are supposedly doing that already:
Copy code
buildkitd_opts="--addr=unix:///run/buildkit/buildkitd.sock --containerd-worker=true --containerd-worker-addr=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock --containerd-worker-gc --oci-worker=false"
The containerd namespace has to match too
It is “buildkitd” by default
Ideally it should be set to “” maybe, but it is reported that kubelet may wipe “unused” images, so probably it should be set to “default” and call it a day
Yes, kubelet does garbage collection of unused images once some threshold is reached:
Is there a way to set the namespace from the commandline, or only via
only via toml IIRC
@calm-application-66065 I've updated your Github issue on macOS using containerd, nerdctl build can not use local base images · Issue #2584 · rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop with the information from this thread, but there isn't anything simple you can do right now to get it to work. It is also too late to get any non-critical bug fixes into the upcoming release, so this will have to wait a little longer. For the meantime setting up a local registry is probably the best workaround.
@best-accountant-68201 I'm somewhat confused as I don't see us running the
by default, so I guess
is spinning it up on-demand? In which case it won't be using the
settings, right?
Sorry I'm a bit scatter-brained, as I'm trying to debug 2 other issues right now
How can I set those options in rancher desktop on macOS? I see no buildkitd.toml file.
If I can somehow change the buildkitd namespace on macOS, that would already be fine, if it will be fixed in an upcoming rancherdesktop release, even better.
Does buildkitd on macOS run in a container?
So does anyone have a suggestion how to edit buildkitd.toml on macOS?