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# rke2
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It should only be set if you set --node-name. Are you running into some problem with that?
no just working through STIG
I’ll check that node-name config
there are cases where it needs to be set in order for the cloud provider to properly find the node
seems like a weird thing to disallow
yah there are several things that are odd, trying to comply exactly is the easiest otherwise they require justification and you have to go back and forth and educate the AO etc etc
hmm, actually I think at some point we started explicitly setting that in call cases in order to make sure that we’re consistently using the same hostname/node-name in all places. We do ensure that the kubelet cert has the proper entries on it regardless of what the node-name is set to, so it won’t affect the TLS verification as that text calls out.
so you might be out of luck
Thanks @creamy-pencil-82913! It may be worth while to create a feature where if you set the custom arg to blank it will explicitly remove that flag, what are your thoughts? Otherwise there are no ways for users to remove any default params