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# rke2
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On a normal successful RKE2 install (on VMs, just KVM on CentOS rather than VMware) I get a helm-install-rke2-coredns-, helm-install-rke2-canal-, helm-install-rke2-ingress-nginx-, & helm-install-rke2-metrics-server- . That's held for v1.21 & v1.22, though the Rancher docs have a different list than I get so some older verison is somewhat different (though I think these were the same). My understanding of the point of these is that things like kubelet, kube-apiserver, kube-proxy, kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager, etcd (& maybe a few more I'm forgetting) get run as child processes to rke2-server service or as static pods with the RKE2 install. However, there are additional pieces to install to get things working, like the CNI, so those are installed to the fresh Kubernetes cluster (rather than static pods) with a helm job and that's what those are.
If you look at the crictl ps command on you can see your static pods.
I use to work with another guy with the same name many years ago. Did you ever work for Weblogic?
I worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and we had a weblogic consultant with the same name 🙂
thanks for the info!
👍 1
Nope, but my understanding of my last name is it's Welsh for "cottager", which I'm assuming = "serf", so there are pockets of us scattered around.