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# harvester
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I'm guessing you have install plus the reserved space. I don't know how much space is required for reserved, but my drives show quite a bit taken up on a new install. Storage Reserved 0.7 / 5.01 TiB 13.94% Used 0.12 / 5.01 TiB 2.33%
That's a cluster of 3, but yeah. Most of which is reserved, as you see.
Thanks for the info, to be clear, but I'm still very confused.
Currently the Hardware Requirements for Harvester say 140GB minimum disk -
👍 1
That requirement is advancing rather quickly. This shows 120GB, 500GB + preferred. So, I'd keep that in mind.
OK, then someone should look at the installer, because it still says 60GiB in the message, but I'm still left asking why. Proxmox is a VM-focused customized Debian, and it does not have that kind of disk space requirement. If I just took rke2 and bolted on OpenEBS and KubeVirt, it wouldn't require that much space. Longhorn doesn't even have a hardware requirements page that I can find. What on earth is harvester doing that requires that much disk space on the OS drive?
Interesting...the article is from December 21. No matter, it increased and I can see it will likely rise again. I'm pretty sure there's not a simple/traditional way to manage partitions to move certain functions, such as logs, etc. off the boot drive. Perhaps this should be a feature request?
I was just hoping for someone from Rancher to notice my posts and offer an explanation. What the disk requirement is for changes the best way to make my setup work, yeah?
I think you have a legit issue if the installer says 60GB and the docs say 140GB. I know if you open an issue you will get a response. Most of my responses have been within 2-3 days. Mind you, this has been somewhat of a pet project for my company, so I've been working on it after hours and weekends
I tried this morning. If you give the installer < 60GB it says "minimum 60GB" and will not continue. If you give it 60GB it says "you really need 140GB for data" but it does allow you to continue.
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This might explain why there is such a hard limit.
That would be an explanation. Thanks for digging that up!