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# harvester
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That's what the page highly recommends - shut down (and backup) all your VMs in your cluster. At the top it also indicates this isn't the long term plan "Note we are still working towards zero-downtime upgrade, due to some known issues please follow the steps below before you upgrade your Harvester cluster" which I interpret to also include running VMs (unless perhaps you have a single node setup - with multiple nodes I'd expect the upgrade process to migrate all running VMs off a node before upgrading the node)
Ah that's a bummer. We are planning to have some sort of production-ready environment with multiple nodes in the next months where we invite some of our teams to test and break things. For them, zero downtime upgrade is an absolute necessity, I guess we will wait for a future version where this is resolved before going live.
This seems to be planned in the future, but right now this blocks the "enterprise status" of Harvester.