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# harvester
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The only issue I've had with using disk images (as opposed to installing using ISO) is if partitions set larger than size of disk allocated. What's the filename of image you're trying?
I was initially trying This gets stuck at "initrdless boot". After reading a thread on someone having similar issues I tried their suggestion of using a different image
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This worked.
👍 1
I've been using the suggested one without issues. Looks like the minimal one changes frequently and given it's minimal is probably missing req'd bits - will give it a try though
I got the minimum one from the youtube video session. It seem to work for him.;t=1183s

👍 1
I've not seen that, will watch after SUSECON finishes for day. I am seeing same error with minimal image.
Whilst he added the minimal image the VM he creates uses the ISO. Not sure what the original ubuntu-template VM uses. Will have to check comments.
When uses rancher to do a cloud deployment to harvester is when he used the cloud image. About 19.52 mins into the video. I don't think you can use IOS for cloud deployments.
hi all, I want to share my soluiton on this topic as I had the same issue and this was my road to success! First of I found your thread on using the minimal images for deploying harvester machines. I found this link describing the problem and explaining a bit some issues, espacialy with the latest ubuntu version 22.04 on rancher. URL: # Solution: Using this URL : to find the minimal image with Unbuntu LTS ATTENTION!! Select the correct image being : "<ubuntu-release-name>-server-cloudimg-amd64.img" ## Upload the image and add the default labels : - os-tpye: ubuntu - image-type: raw_qcow2 ## Deploy cluster there are two way you can create a cluster From your Rancher dashboard : 1. Home - next to Clusters --> select "Create" 2. Home - Cluster management --> select/click "Create" the rest is follow the flow Happy K8s deploying/clustering Reference Video's: - JMcglock: FULL install Kubernetes on Rancher

- Tehcno Tim: