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# fleet
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Hi. That’s a good question to raise. And, you raised it while I was in a planning meeting for Fleet. While I don’t have a roadmap to share or features, I can share that we are looking at that while we improve test coverage and fix some bugs.
As for your issue, we’ll try to look at that tomorrow.
Ah, I see that we did comment on it.
Thanks for the fast reply. Yes, your team did comment on it. But honestly, it doesn't help much on the issues raised above. We understand that you probably had a lot of changes internally due to the SUSE buyout, but I don't understand why it's taking so long to get a clear view about Fleet. It's not so much about the PR itself rather than a general feeling of abandonment that's been felt by multiple people on this channel. Is SUSE still interested in maintaining Rancher and Fleet alive and open-source or is it slowly going to die?
@famous-caravan-42165 actually though it is a relief to start getting some feedback here. Thank you. It felt like tumbleweeds from SuSE on this channel
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@prehistoric-barista-70029 You bring up a fair point. Will fleet slowly die? I don't think so. I'll either have egg on my face or you'll start to see some changes in the coming weeks. Don't take my words as the marker. Take the actions happening. It wasn't so much the SUSE buy out that caused the current state. It was some other things. And those are things we are looking to address in the short term.
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@freezing-holiday-13112 that's good to know. I've not really paid attention to this channel but I will try to now
I really appreciate the feedback. I really hope you're right and that things will start feeling more lively and go in the right direction. Have a good one!
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