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# amazon
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Yes, you need to deploy the aws-loadbalancer-controller and then deploy any ingress-controll, like ingress-nginx or traefik.
This will then automatically create an AWS lb for you. You can also use some annotations to specify the lb type etc...
AWS lb controller is used to create a LB for your inginx controller. And the controller listens to the ingress rules like you created.
ingress controller*
Thank you! I try install ingress-nginx , show "404 not found". but can not connect service. maybe not work Service Derivery Ingress Setting.
the namespaces need to be the same?
If I recall correctly the namespace shouldn't matter for the controller. But you can have to check the documentation, I'm not sure
😢 1
You can try putting the entire loadbalancer name as an ingress to see if that traffic gets routed to the nginx controller. If you create a deployment for somehting like this
And create a cluster ip port for that deployment
Also check if you're using the right LB with
kubectl get svc -A
Should be the external-ip under
Thank you very much !!! The cause was that there was no Annotations.
Copy code
Thanks to you. That was a really big help.
Ran into that exact issue last week aswell 😄
😄 1