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# k3s
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1. You should not be using K3OS anymore, its a dead project. If you need an immutable OS look into opensuse MicroOS potentially. 2. I don't believe there is a way to just do the bootstrap. If your running the cluster with embedded etcd, you may just want to look into doing a snapshot and then restoring on the new cluster.
Unfortunately we are behind the curve on this news and we are working on a plan to replace K3os. The lack of official notification on this really bit us in the rear as we just happened to stumble across a github issue last week that included a conversation with a Rancher representative mentioning that K3os was a dead project. Thank you for the suggestion, I will look at that as an option.
To that end Is there or will there be an upgrade path that will enable us to migrate from k3os to RancherOS v2 ( that wouldnt require us to re-image/re-build the clusters?
fwiw we had a similar scenario (albeit not with k3os) and now end up just sticking our clusters behind a router, so we can control the IP space on our side