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# longhorn-storage
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Hi, @bumpy-portugal-40754 How did you do power down the harvester cluster and that including the nodes with volumes’ replica? It is normal that you would get stopped replicas if the node containing the replica is down.
Longhorn GUI complained about the fact that 2 manager instances are running for both volumes.
Did you mean instance-manager-e-xxx and instance-manager-r-xxx? Could you provide the support bundle then we could find out what happened.
I didn't do the powerdown myself, but I'd suspect it to be graceful. Instance-manager-e... was there twice. The one which is shown in the longhorn gui. I already created a case with suse. Are you able to access it?
Could you show me where it is?
Looks like I was wrong about the way the machines were powered down. It seems that the servers were simply switched off.