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# longhorn-storage
Seeing anything interesting?
So tried using a storage class with
set to
executing the exact same mount cmd while
into the worker whereon a PVC is tried mounted and failing with the err ā€¦ results in the same err exactly
I saw this ā€œConfigured to mount disk /dev/longhorn/pvc-97861aaf-afc9-4f24-ab76-5bb43f19a5cc as LVM2_member but current format is ext4, things might breakā€ before err. Did you set the fstype before or after upgrading?
So yeah found out yesterday. That the disk is added as a member of the lvm2 vg on the nodes. By mistake a configured udev rule was Having a filter that was too wide and therefore included disks added by Longhorn when processing pvcā€™s. I cleaned that up and everything works now. Thank you very much for the help! Super cool. Appreciated.
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