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# vsphere
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how did you make the 22.04 template you're cloning from? it reads like cloud-init isn't running and the ssh connection isn't being established because the user/key wasn't injected on the downstream node
I originally had the
waiting for ssh to become available
issue, but I got past that by adding this line to `/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-installer.cfg`:
Copy code
datasource_list: [ "NoCloud", "VMwareGuestInfo" ]
And I ran these commands as suggested by a bug report I found on github:
Copy code
rm -fr /var/lib/cloud/instances/
rm -fr /var/lib/cloud/instance 
rm -f /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
truncate -s 0 /etc/machine-id
ln -s /etc/machine-id /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Huzzah!! I figured it out. Ubuntu server 22.04 lts (specifically its sshd version) doesn’t allow
by default. I had to modify my ssh config to allow it.
glad you found it
in other news... maybe we should be upgrading machine's key encrpytion?
Thanks, and thanks for the help. Yeah probably time to upgrade the encryption. I’m not on the newest rancher version, so I haven’t looked to see if that’s something that has already been fixed.
In the end, the 3 things I had to modify to get ubuntu 22.04 lts working were: 1. Mess with cloud-init to get ssh working 2. Pre-install docker and skip that part during provisioning (my version of Rancher was trying to install a version that isn’t in 22's manifest) 3. Modify sshd to accept