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# general
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what do you mean by “does not open the webserver”
the first page you linked is just a very short intro to installing K3s, which comes with Traefik as the ingress controller. Most other clusters come with ingress-nginx, so that’s what the more generic installation instructions (the second link) cover
the external tls should open the web interface on port 80 on all nodes so i can route my loadbalancer to it, but it doesnt and it also redirects to https and shows cert errors in the browser so i should use another ingress controller (nginx) and not use the one that comes with the setup?
The Traefik ingress does listen on port 80 on the nodes. It does not open any ports for you though, you would need to do that on your own. How are you testing exactly?
I mean expose not open, sorry Ive now tried it with RKE where the ingress is nginx with the right config for external tls but now rancher has errors and doesnt start. I just installed it fresh with this tutorial: