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# longhorn-storage
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Just to add this, I can see these error messages in the log
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I1117 14:38:18.901278   20823 operation_generator.go:631] "MountVolume.WaitForAttach entering for volume \"pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\" (UniqueName: \"<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\>") pod \"cassandra-0\" (UID: \"79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257\") DevicePath \"\"" pod="databases/cassandra-0"
E1117 14:38:18.922341   20823 nestedpendingoperations.go:335] Operation for "{volumeName:<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6> podName: nodeName:}" failed. No retries permitted until 2022-11-17 14:39:22.922309835 +0000 UTC m=+4133.541601983 (durationBeforeRetry 1m4s). Error: MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume "pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6" (UniqueName: "<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6>") pod "cassandra-0" (UID: "79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257") : watch error:unknown (get <|>) for volume pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6
E1117 14:38:25.128335   20823 kubelet.go:1761] "Unable to attach or mount volumes for pod; skipping pod" err="unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[data kube-api-access-hxfkw]: timed out waiting for the condition" pod="databases/cassandra-0"
E1117 14:38:25.128379   20823 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[data kube-api-access-hxfkw]: timed out waiting for the condition" pod="databases/cassandra-0" podUID=79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257
I1117 14:39:22.995714   20823 operation_generator.go:631] "MountVolume.WaitForAttach entering for volume \"pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\" (UniqueName: \"<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6\>") pod \"cassandra-0\" (UID: \"79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257\") DevicePath \"\"" pod="databases/cassandra-0"
E1117 14:39:23.005036   20823 csi_attacher.go:712] <|>: attachment for pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6 failed: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = volume pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6 failed to attach to node nodegrid-kangie1i
E1117 14:39:23.005127   20823 nestedpendingoperations.go:335] Operation for "{volumeName:<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6> podName: nodeName:}" failed. No retries permitted until 2022-11-17 14:41:25.005106365 +0000 UTC m=+4255.624398487 (durationBeforeRetry 2m2s). Error: MountVolume.WaitForAttach failed for volume "pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6" (UniqueName: "<^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6|^pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6>") pod "cassandra-0" (UID: "79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257") : rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = volume pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6 failed to attach to node nodegrid-kangie1i
E1117 14:40:41.566329   20823 kubelet.go:1761] "Unable to attach or mount volumes for pod; skipping pod" err="unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[data kube-api-access-hxfkw]: timed out waiting for the condition" pod="databases/cassandra-0"
E1117 14:40:41.566372   20823 pod_workers.go:951] "Error syncing pod, skipping" err="unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[data kube-api-access-hxfkw]: timed out waiting for the condition" pod="databases/cassandra-0" podUID=79de5cf0-e647-42d8-ab6b-f6ad546ce257
Can you look at the logs on longhorn containers running on that host?
Any specific pods you wanna to see. I am not getting much in logs there. Getting this in
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longhorn-admission-webhook E1117 19:55:33.572066       1 gvks.go:69] failed to sync schemas: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: <|>: the server is c ││ urrently unable to handle the request                                                                                                                                                     ││ longhorn-admission-webhook E1117 19:55:39.717452       1 gvks.go:69] failed to sync schemas: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: <|>: the server is c ││ urrently unable to handle the request
Getting this in
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I1117 20:01:48.295114       1 csi_handler.go:231] Error processing "csi-33c686b932de2bfeb4b47b87e2228f8d67d8ddf5b464ec5b2694bda03c934c27": failed to attach: rpc error: code = DeadlineEx ││ ceeded desc = volume pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6 failed to attach to node nodegrid-dihu0boh                                                                                  ││ I1117 20:01:48.295178       1 csi_handler.go:248] Attaching "csi-33c686b932de2bfeb4b47b87e2228f8d67d8ddf5b464ec5b2694bda03c934c27"                                                        ││ I1117 20:02:21.596999       1 csi_handler.go:231] Error processing "csi-ac21fe8af72459d262f3eb456b3d28955c97b45c52dd389bfe36960bf8ebc1d8": failed to attach: rpc error: code = DeadlineEx ││ ceeded desc = volume pvc-ecb8de0a-16fc-4f41-b33f-74ce555b513f failed to attach to node nodegrid-dihu0boh                                                                                  ││ I1117 20:02:21.597066       1 csi_handler.go:248] Attaching "csi-ac21fe8af72459d262f3eb456b3d28955c97b45c52dd389bfe36960bf8ebc1d8"
Logs for
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[longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:19Z" level=info msg="wait for gRPC service of process pvc-ecb8de0a-16fc-4f41-b33f-74ce555b513f-e-6a9e056c to start at localhost:10001" ││ [pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2] go-iscsi-helper: command failed: exit status 1                                                                                      ││ [pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2] panic: exit status 1                                                                                                                ││                                                                                                                                                                                           │
│ goroutine 170 [running]:                                                                                                                                                                  │
│ <|>, 0x100)                                                                                                                │
│     /go/src/ +0x449                                                                     │
│ created by <|>                                                                                                                          │
│     /go/src/ +0xad                                                                      │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:19Z" level=info msg="Process Manager: process pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2 error out, error msg: exit status 2" │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:19Z" level=debug msg="Process update: pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2: state error: Error: exit status 2"          │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=info msg="wait for gRPC service of process pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2 to start at localhost:10000" │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=info msg="stop waiting for gRPC service of process pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2 to start at localhos │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=info msg="wait for gRPC service of process pvc-ecb8de0a-16fc-4f41-b33f-74ce555b513f-e-6a9e056c to start at localhost:10001" │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=debug msg="Process update: pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2: state error: Error: exit status 2"          ││ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=debug msg="Process Manager: start getting logs for process pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2"             │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-17T20:03:20Z" level=debug msg="Process Manager: got logs for process pvc-0cbe60b1-45a9-48c4-b31a-a4a97d8eecd6-e-3086ddb2"
go-iscsi-helper: command failed: exit status 1
Is that service running on the machine? seems like the start daemon is throwing that error
Yes, It's not there. I'll try to install this and see if this get resolved. Will update here the results. Thank you for the support.
h theres a script here called that could help too
I got the tgt installed,
Copy code
root@nodegrid-dihu0boh:~# tgtd -V
root@nodegrid-dihu0boh:~# tgtadm -V
root@nodegrid-dihu0boh:~# /etc/init.d/tgtd status
tgtd is running
but I am still getting error
Copy code
[longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:55Z" level=info msg="wait for gRPC service of process pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e to start at localhost:10000" ││ [pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e] go-iscsi-helper: command failed: exit status 1                                                                                      │
│ [pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e] panic: exit status 1                                                                                                                │
│                                                                                                                                                                                           │
│ goroutine 166 [running]:                                                                                                                                                                  │
│ <|>, 0x100)                                                                                                                │
│     /go/src/ +0x449                                                                     ││ created by <|>                                                                                                                          ││     /go/src/ +0xad                                                                      ││ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:55Z" level=info msg="Process Manager: process pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e error out, error msg: exit status 2" │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:55Z" level=debug msg="Process update: pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e: state error: Error: exit status 2"          ││ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:56Z" level=info msg="wait for gRPC service of process pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e to start at localhost:10000" │
│ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:56Z" level=debug msg="Process update: pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e: state error: Error: exit status 2"          ││ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:56Z" level=debug msg="Process Manager: start getting logs for process pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e"             ││ [longhorn-instance-manager] time="2022-11-18T13:59:56Z" level=debug msg="Process Manager: got logs for process pvc-d2297f7c-99be-4040-9c1b-d3d5fe13b522-e-61ca102e"
What is
? What does the output of that script say ?
The script doesn't work on our linux distribution, its not supported. We are running yocto linux system.
Cool. I never heard of that linux. Not sure if its supported by longhorn. I wonder if longhorn is expecting that executable anyway . You could try searching longhorn issues, not sure this may be relevant to you,
Longhorn works fine there as long as everything is running on the boot disk. I have installed all the dependencies manually with .ipk files. This only happens when we try to mount an additional disk for longhorn data storage
👍 1
I was able to add additional disk to longhorn by using the longhorn UI. So at least all the required packages are working. Now the question is, how do I tell longhorn to use the additional disk I mounted though the configuration. Any values that I can update in the helm values.yaml file to achieve this. I am not able to figure this out. Docs says that we can set
. I set it to my mount point of additional disk, but it does nothing.
I’m not sure if you can do it outside of the UI
Yeah, I was hoping there would be an option, but well I'll probably work on writing a go cli which can maybe talk with longhorn API to do that stuff. Will have to check if that something like that works.