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# general
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do you mean an HA cluster that rancher will run on, or an HA cluster that rancher will manage? The former is referred to as
. The latter, it sounds like you’ve the right idea. As long as your rancher server can access the internal network you’re referring to for the downstream nodes/cluster, just omit the external-ip setting when provisioning. You’ll need to make sure that your rancher-server-url is reachable by any nodes that rancher will manage (i.e. if that is set to a public IP that isn’t reachable by your private nodes, you won’t be able to manage said nodes).
I mean a HA cluster run by my self on my own hardware, not the one managed by rancher. I'm using k3s product to run it
I want all the communication between nodes be made inside of my private network
there is a lot of options for server and agent, but I dont found a "clear" way to understand at least for me, how I setup all the inter node communication using a private network
that sounds a lot like an airgap setup (just without rancher, which is fine). if you have 2 networks, one for private and one for public, you should be able to configure all of your nodes to use the private network. Since this is on your own hardware though, I’m not sure what else would be required other than general stuff you could google on how to use private networks for clusters.
well based on k3s docs this is an airgap
An air-gapped environment is any environment that is not directly connected to the Internet.
is not my case, I prefer private network due to the speed and less hops between nodes to reach each other
control plane (node 1) ingress (node 2) my app (node 3) db (node 4)
so ideally communication should flow through private ip between them
if I do not place anything on the initialization of k3s it use public ip to communicate each other