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# rancher-desktop
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Hello @crooked-sundown-91277, good day! I'm sorry to hear you've been having a tough time & thank you for your feedback! Could you let me know what is exactly the problem you are running into? Or what is the detail you're looking out for?
Hello Divya,
Hello Divya, thx very much for yr feedback. I have dificulties using rancher on Rancher. I am using Open SUSE leap 15.x & FireFox and could not open localhost:8443 and could not find further / detailed information. disabled FW & Proxy etc. nevertheless, i could not access the localhost:8443.
First up, I would recommend seeing if rancher is up & running by doing a docker/nerdctl ps. Or have you installed it via Helm? If not, is it possible to get some error logs that can provide more context for the issue?
RD is up & running, I tried 2 install via Helm ( unfort. does not support Kubernetes 1.25 and nothing in errlog. i simply uninstalled R.Desktop & gonne try with WIN_11_VM. and try it again later, nevertheless, thx so much 4 yr support
when u apply $ helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher --namespace cattle-system --set hostname=rancher.rd.localhost --wait --timeout=10m , u get error msg. Helm does not support k3s 1.25
might work with k8s but not the way made by Rancher.
I intended & prefer 2 work with OpenSuse, but seems that other OS have better support, unfortunatly, I do not like MS.....
So, afaik from the support page here we don't have a support matrix outlined for OpenSUSE/k3s 1.25. @clever-air-65544: Would you be able to comment on this?