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# rancher-desktop
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installed by Rancher Desktop is actually
, as you already noticed. It will automatically download and use a compatible version of
as the backend: it just checks the kube version of the apiserver, and then `exec`s to the compatible
to perform the actual work.
You can run
kubectl version
and you should see that the client version closely matches the server version: it should never be more than one minor version behind or ahead of the server version, as that is the upstream compatibility guarantee.
Are you in a situation where the client is one minor version behind (i.e. 1.22.x in your example), and you need a feature that only exists in the matching client version?
Hmm, that makes sense as the kubernetes skew policy is +-1 minor revision as you mentioned. However, I have a 1.23 EKS cluster that I’m trying to connect to (we recently upgraded from EKS 1.22 to 1.23). Now whenever I try to execute a kubectl command I get
Copy code
error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion "<|>"
I tried this manually via the kubectl binaries in
kubectl 1.24 gets the above error when trying to hit this cluster. I’m guessing kuberlr is taking the latest compatible version which should be 1.24 if the server is 1.23, so that makes sense if 1.24 is selected.
But then why doesn’t it work? I tried kubectl 1.23 manually and it works…do you think this is an issue with EKS?
Not sure. If it isn't an EKS issue, then it would be a violation of the version skew policy. Given that the
binaries in the kuberlr cache are from upstream releases, it wouldn't seem wrong to ask EKS support why this doesn't work. I have no idea if they respond to this or not though.
Could you still file a Github issue for Rancher Desktop as well? Maybe
needs to have a configurable version match policy, to require e.g. an exact match of the minor version.
Yes that would be very helpful in a case like this
Yes, please! We'll then follow up with Flavio as needed, or make a PR directly, if that's what we are going to decide on.
Thank you!