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# rancher-desktop
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What are you planning on using the ec2 instance for? Are you going to be using it as a graphical desktop (I'm not aware of this as a possibility with ec2, but I might not have heard of something)? If not, note that Rancher Desktop's intended use case is development on a graphical desktop. If this isn't what you plan to use Rancher Desktop for, you're better off using something else, like k3s or Rancher.
So the idea is to see if it can be installed on an ec2 instance and then ofcourse in some way try and see if it possible to use it as a graphical desktop. Though I may have other options when setting it up on Linux/Ubuntu, i am trying to explore the ec2 option as well here.
Hmm, well if you can get a graphical desktop then you might be able to get RD working on it. As the docs say, you need AMD-v or VT-x. You'd have to check with AWS as to what the specs of their available instances are. Sorry I can't help more
👍 1
Sure, thanks @jolly-forest-99711 for your inputs!
You bet!