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# harvester
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hey just wondering what your upgrade URL is in your settings
Copy code
let me try it on my node
but I believe I kicked it off by downloading the ISO and specifying it here:
do you mind outlining the exact steps. I am unable to upgrade my Harvester. I don't see upgrade in the version either
I went to the server-version and chose upgrade and that is where I could choose a file.
I don't get that option.
When I chose upgrade it displayed a screen where I could specify a URL or a file. That option is no longer there or I'd take a screen shot for you.
I'm thinking of spinning up a backup target for my existing VMs as some of them I had done significant changes on, like a firewall, and then manually installing it. It's just a lab for kubernetes testing anyways.
the upgrade responder service will get the update later today for v1.1.0 so the upgrades should show up
Do I need to change the URL?
we just need to update the service today to start serving the upgrades
i can post an update here when its ready
thank you... as you can see, a few of us are excited for even minor releases 😉
We’ve updated the responder, and the check in the backend runs every hour. So you should be able to see the new version soon.
still stuck from a previous manual download of the image upgrade with admission webhook "" denied the request: cannot proceed until previous upgrade "hvst-upgrade-68vn9" completes I don't see a hvst-upgrade-68vn9 in a kubectl get po -A is a CR set or is there some other way to reset it's upgrade status. I do see an upgrade button available in the web UI, just can't proceed.
kubectl get po -A NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cattle-fleet-local-system fleet-agent-57497ff7dc-jp6cs 1/1 Running 18 (13h ago) 21d cattle-fleet-system fleet-agent-7d6d98b485-76pcp 1/1 Running 6 (13h ago) 26h cattle-fleet-system fleet-controller-5746685958-2l56c 1/1 Running 19 (13h ago) 21d cattle-fleet-system gitjob-cc9948fd7-j64vm 1/1 Running 21 (13h ago) 21d cattle-monitoring-system prometheus-rancher-monitoring-prometheus-0 0/3 Unknown 0 25h cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-crd-create-p6mh8 0/1 Completed 0 18d cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-grafana-d9c56d79b-xnvd7 0/3 Unknown 0 25h cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-kube-state-metrics-5bc8bb48bd-x62dn 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-operator-559767d69b-s5crc 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-prometheus-adapter-8846d4757-88td5 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-monitoring-system rancher-monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-rkxs2 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-system cattle-cluster-agent-c5c9cd7c-jzv26 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 161 (2m14s ago) 26h cattle-system harvester-cluster-repo-5b7db8b695-z74z4 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-system rancher-dcccc7448-t84fj 1/1 Running 9 (13h ago) 3d12h cattle-system rancher-webhook-54c75c9d4-c8bbb 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d cattle-system system-upgrade-controller-5b6457d644-7xrn2 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system default-clients-8shth 0/1 Completed 0 21d harvester-system default-dealerflow-qjkcc 0/1 Completed 0 21d harvester-system default-services-drg9v 0/1 Completed 0 18d harvester-system default-services-xlxs6 0/1 Completed 0 21d harvester-system harvester-797b59b958-psf6v 1/1 Running 36 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system harvester-load-balancer-686957bdfc-8fd5l 1/1 Running 19 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system harvester-network-controller-manager-5c455bdc66-mxzfw 1/1 Running 18 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system harvester-network-controller-xvr7g 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system harvester-node-disk-manager-qd22k 1/1 Running 20 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system harvester-webhook-6449bdf6fb-fltl5 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system kube-vip-87q9b 1/1 Running 71 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system kube-vip-cloud-provider-0 1/1 Running 48 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-api-79bc89595-8vlxj 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-api-79bc89595-f6mw4 1/1 Running 17 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-controller-6c76d8659-7nhdr 1/1 Running 37 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-controller-6c76d8659-n88q4 1/1 Running 35 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-handler-q76hs 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d harvester-system virt-operator-78b84587c9-srfjz 1/1 Running 45 (13h ago) 21d kube-system cloud-controller-manager-harvester 1/1 Running 35 (13h ago) 4d kube-system etcd-harvester 1/1 Running 4 (13h ago) 4d kube-system helm-install-rke2-canal-kpjxr 0/1 Completed 0 21d kube-system helm-install-rke2-coredns-97q84 0/1 Completed 0 21d kube-system helm-install-rke2-ingress-nginx-zcxt2 0/1 Completed 0 3d13h kube-system helm-install-rke2-metrics-server-w5ls5 0/1 Completed 0 21d kube-system helm-install-rke2-multus-47vbk 0/1 Completed 0 21d kube-system kube-apiserver-harvester 1/1 Running 4 (13h ago) 3d23h kube-system kube-controller-manager-harvester 1/1 Running 36 (13h ago) 4d kube-system kube-proxy-harvester 1/1 Running 4 (13h ago) 3d23h kube-system kube-scheduler-harvester 1/1 Running 32 (13h ago) 4d kube-system rke2-canal-cbs5c 2/2 Running 31 (13h ago) 21d kube-system rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns-6775f768c8-tswr6 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d kube-system rke2-coredns-rke2-coredns-autoscaler-7c77dcfb76-tcrx7 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d kube-system rke2-ingress-nginx-controller-6fm9n 1/1 Running 4 (13h ago) 3d13h kube-system rke2-metrics-server-8574659c85-rz2z4 1/1 Running 27 (13h ago) 21d kube-system rke2-multus-ds-52hjt 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d kube-system snapshot-controller-7c4887cf-q7qg7 1/1 Running 38 (13h ago) 21d kube-system snapshot-controller-7c4887cf-st5ns 1/1 Running 38 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system backing-image-manager-c00e-e045 1/1 Running 0 13h longhorn-system csi-attacher-66fcbbff5c-45z64 1/1 Running 28 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-attacher-66fcbbff5c-6gkl4 1/1 Running 29 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-attacher-66fcbbff5c-75ggg 1/1 Running 34 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-provisioner-84fcfbf785-6x29b 1/1 Running 28 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-provisioner-84fcfbf785-qk4q9 1/1 Running 33 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-provisioner-84fcfbf785-rgv6p 1/1 Running 24 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-resizer-558f9d8df-fsrsp 1/1 Running 28 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-resizer-558f9d8df-sml6h 1/1 Running 26 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-resizer-558f9d8df-x824f 1/1 Running 28 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-snapshotter-7dc99d7f87-994vj 1/1 Running 24 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-snapshotter-7dc99d7f87-qbplw 1/1 Running 31 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system csi-snapshotter-7dc99d7f87-zwmht 1/1 Running 30 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system engine-image-ei-4dbdb778-d5767 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system instance-manager-e-19364e70 1/1 Running 0 13h longhorn-system instance-manager-r-b2dfae7e 1/1 Running 0 13h longhorn-system longhorn-csi-plugin-w6pxd 2/2 Running 56 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system longhorn-driver-deployer-cb9dcf594-5v6db 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system longhorn-loop-device-cleaner-skjjd 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system longhorn-manager-hm8gj 1/1 Running 14 (13h ago) 21d longhorn-system longhorn-ui-74d4bd689d-628jg 1/1 Running 43 (13h ago) 21d
Does the cluster perform upgrade before?
never have. single node, started at 1.0.3
I saw you started an upgrade by using an ISO, you can delete it and start-over:
exactly what I'm looking for! thank you. Trying it out.
harvester:/home/rancher # whoami root harvester:/home/rancher # kubectl get -n harvester-system -l NAME AGE hvst-upgrade-448w2 71m harvester:/home/rancher # $ kubectl delete -n harvester-system bash: $: command not found
nevermind... possible copy pasta error.
harvester:/home/rancher # kubectl delete -n harvester-system "hvst-upgrade-448w2" deleted
trying upgrade again.
no go. As far as troubleshooting via that doc... I am Phase 0.
Just FYI. I was able to upgrade my Harvester node using the Upgrade button on the Dashboard.
note sure what job nor pod to check logs on. harvester:/home/rancher # kubectl get -n harvester-system -oyaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: kind: Upgrade metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-10-26T164955Z" finalizers: - generateName: hvst-upgrade- generation: 2 labels: "true" CreatingUpgradeImage name: hvst-upgrade-xbcrg namespace: harvester-system resourceVersion: "20136070" uid: 5e2c2b2c-4b8e-44c3-b08b-7e58b8db0416 spec: image: "" version: v1.1.0 status: conditions: - status: Unknown type: Completed - status: Unknown type: ImageReady imageID: harvester-system/harvester-iso-cc6rn previousVersion: v1.0.3 kind: List metadata: resourceVersion: "" selfLink: "" harvester:/home/rancher # kubectl get jobs -n harvester-system NAME COMPLETIONS DURATION AGE default-services 1/1 39s 18d
rebooted and then used the dashboard upgrade button and still stuck at
In my case all my VMs were turned off before I started the upgrade.
made sure there was plenty of resources available
It's just a lab so thinking of starting from scratch... except the only monitor I have with HDMI for my skullcanyon NUC is being used by my wife right now. LOL
and then I would have to create my VLANs all over again and a firewall VM and some test VMs and...
wondering if it has anything to do with your FW? Might be good to disable and try upgrade.
no firewall in that mix... harvesters mgmt is directly behind an ISP modem/hub
the firewall I speak of is a VM for this harvester (was an ESXi) lab network.
reinstalling, I have the images on my laptop and know most of what I need to do off by heart.
I ended up being more of an infrastructure guy later in my career and got hooked on virtualization... vmware big time but also when it comes to storage (disks RAIDed, plaided, object storage, etc.) and some docker development as for my home automation hobby. So this virtualization spaghetti really appeals to me.... havester using KVM controlled by container images and kubernetes to allow me to run VMs which I will then create an ubuntu VM running docker to run rancher to integrate with the already spaghetti harvester to then create VM's so I can run k8s and simulate a cloud provider so I can deploy containers so I can.... LOL. It's a mess, but it's FUN!