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# general
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yes, there is a local load-balancer on agents that maintains persistent connections to all the servers
not sure why you mean by downstream cluster? Are you talking about Rancher, or RKE2?
q I meant the RKE2 cluster provisioned by Rancher 2.x, i.e. the "Downstream User Cluster" in the link above.
That’s Rancher. It’s an application that’s deployed to the cluster. It’s not really affected by the supervisor architecture
For RKE2 docs you would want to reference
I have provisioned an RKE2 cluster with elemental-operator . So, the value of the "server" attribute in the /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml.d/50-rancher.yaml (in worker node) file is the IP of a specific master node. If the master node dies and this node restarts, how can connect to the cluster? The description of says to use a domain for HA, but when provisioning with elemental, the domain cannot be used.
the client maintains a local cache of server endpoints. the --server address is only used when initially joining the cluster.
You can find the cache at
Yes! This is what I was looking for! Thank you 🙂
you’ll also see messages in the logs about loadbalancer addresses as they are added and removed