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# k3s
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When you say you update the certs, did you use the
k3s certificate
tool? Or did you just restart the k3s server node and the certs updated automatically (because they were within 30 days of expiration)?
I haven’t used the
k3s certificate
tool actually, just did a restart so this generated the new kubeconfig, which I’m using now to access k3s. But not sure if there are any extra steps that needs to be done on agent side other than restarting them too ?
Thats fine, by default you dont need to use the
k3s certificate
tool. You are correct there shouldn't be any other steps other than restarting the agents.
What version of K3s are you running?
Copy code
k3s version v1.21.5+k3s2
Did you generate the certs yourself, or is it the default certs K3s generates for you?
I would recommend upgrading to the latest v1.21 (I know upgrading to v1.22+ can be potentially problematic for users). But upgrading to v1.21.14 should be painless. Obviously thats still an older release, but its not "as old".
This issue potentially related to your case
the certs were generated by k3s, thanks for the link I already tried it though 🙂 will try to upgrade to latest 1.21 and see if have more luck