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# k3d
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I think the
image import
functionality has a bug of failing silently which has to be fixed. It's not on every run?
No, it's not on every run, but quite often
Are you importing multiple images in a single command? Are you importing from tarball or from image store?
I'm importing 6 images with a single call to
k3d image import ..
. I'm importing docker images that's on the local system. They've just been built with docker build
Alright, thanks for the input 👍
Anything I can do to catch the silent error somehow?
Or to help debug it further?
I found a few existing issues on the repo for this. I'll study those first. Sorry for not checking
Is there anything more than adding
to the image import command I can do to get more information about what's happening? I have an example of the trace logs now, where the image import seems to go ok, but the pods fail with ImagePullBackoff errors, but I don't think the logs are revealing anything.
Yes, it happened to me also when importing specifically an image with the tag 'latest', I changed the tag to 'test' and it worked, probably anything but 'latest' will work
I walked into that issue previously, causing me to change all tags to "local" instead of "latest". So it's not that issue right now 🙂
I would try and view the logs on the k3d docker worker containers, the ones that act like the hosts
Would also try to view current events using kubectl:
kubectl get events --sort-by='.lastTimestamp'
Thanks! I'll add those two also, so that I may have more info the next time this happens