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# k3s
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This file is generated on startup, there’s no point in backing it up
You should also back up
as you need the token if you ever want to restore from backup
Ah yes. I mixed those two up. I knew there was something else I needed along with the snapshots... The token.
How come the docs don't mention some of the other possible files? I'm including one because my master nodes need an env var to route through a proxy, but when I researched to figure that out, there were 3 different places I could have put those. The Backup/Restore documentation mentions none of that.
Its assumed that if you configure k3s, you know what/where you configured and would also restore that.
If you’re managing the configuration of your nodes, all you should need to back up are things generated by k3s itself. Everything else should be handled by your configuration management system.
Point well made. Thank you!