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# fleet
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I should also add that I have removed the k3s cluster from Rancher and re-added it two times but the issue is still there.
Hi @limited-potato-16824, may please you remove the k3s cluster from Rancher and then try to clean any Rancher resource that may remain on it using this process: .Once cleaned, try to register it again and let me know if it made any difference.
Thanks for replying @quick-sandwich-76600, I did run the rancher-cleanup job and re-joined the cluster to Rancher but I still have the same issue. I have also tried: • join the cluster with another name • Deleted the table k3s.kine in mysql and started up the cluster on a single node. I still have the same issue, so I think this is Rancher related and not something in the k3s cluster
One step closer to the truth, I can now see this error message in Rancher in the fleet-agent bundle deployment: "ErrApplied(1) [Cluster fleet-default/k3s-rnd: cannot re-use a name that is still in use]"
Also deleted the /var/lib/rancher directory and re-joined the cluster but no luck
How is the fleet-agent deployment generated in Rancher?
I don't know how the process works. In any case, the last error you mentioned can help. It may happen that it's somehow stuck and not being shown on the UI, but the object is there.
Yeah, I think so too and I have been digging for hours now but I can't find it. It's hiding 😄
May you please run this on your local cluster . Make sure that FASTMODE=0 and ONLY_SYSTEM_NAMESPACES=1 (just the opposite of the default values that you can see in the script). As that can dump confidential data, please share it privately with me or do your own debugging looking for references to "k3s-rnd" in the results.
I just did a sanity check and added the k3s cluster to out rancher dev environment and everything works fine there
I'll take a look at that script. Thank you
Yes, that confirms that a not properly deleted object should exist somewhere ...
A silly question, is this the K3s cluster where you changed INT to BIGINT some weeks ago or is a different one?
No, this is a separate k3s cluster
still holding my breath that the one we did the changes in will behave 😄
🤞 1
I ended up installing a new Rancher for this site and the cluster connects successfully to that Rancher installation. I will continue to investigate why this fails in the older Rancher installation we have with a new cluster.
There's clearly some data there that need to be removed. You mentioned the other day that you removed most of the results but not the bundle. Can you go to Continuous Delivery / Bundles and delete the bundle with the cluster ID (or delete it with the cli)?