HI , I currently have a rancher(v2.6.8) cluster (k...
# general
HI , I currently have a rancher(v2.6.8) cluster (k8s version: v.1.24.2) running on a docker container on a CentOS Linux 7 (core) machine with the ingress class defined as below -
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apiVersion: <http://networking.k8s.io/v1|networking.k8s.io/v1>
kind: IngressClass
  creationTimestamp: "2022-09-02T08:29:41Z"
  generation: 1
    <http://app.kubernetes.io/component|app.kubernetes.io/component>: controller
    <http://app.kubernetes.io/instance|app.kubernetes.io/instance>: ingress-nginx
    <http://app.kubernetes.io/name|app.kubernetes.io/name>: ingress-nginx
    <http://app.kubernetes.io/version|app.kubernetes.io/version>: 1.2.0
  name: nginx
  resourceVersion: "340"
  uid: 34bbbd2e1-jjh-asdfas-asdfa-sdf
  controller: <http://k8s.io/ingress-nginx|k8s.io/ingress-nginx>
I see the readiness/liveness probes failing for the nginx-ingress controller pods when you describe the pod
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Readiness probe failed: Get <http://10.xxx.x.x:10254/healthz>: dial tcp 10.xxx.x.x:10254: getsockopt: connection refused

Liveness probe failed: Get <http://10.xxx.x.x:10254/healthz>: dial tcp 10.xxx.x.x:10254: getsockopt: connection refused
Any pointers to check for the reasons of the failing readiness/liveness probes and the fix for the same and also not sure how can I restore the nginx-ingress controller daemonset which got accidentally deleted when trying to debug from the kubectl shell option on the rancher UI.