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# longhorn-storage
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Anyone please?
You mean create the snapshot with a retention of 1 and backup the data via Velero in case of recovery? If so, I think it would be helpful to clean up disk space by deleting snapshot.
A pvc backup is done by Velero triggering longhorn via the csi snapshot controller … We’ve not configured any retention in longhorn. As we’re trying to rely on the retention settings of longhorn. There’s already some issues around volume snapshots not being deleted by longhorn automatically on the longhorn GitHub repo — I hope that makes it clearer
*rely on the retention settings of Velero Of course
But, if configuring longhorn with that retention setting helps - because we’re relying on longhorn … then it’s cool
Is there a better place to discuss/debate this question. I would love to land somewhere we here we don’t get unnecessary disk space usage alerts and the like. —- Shouldn’t the backups in longhorn be deleted when Velero deletes a backup? Thank you
I think we're working on enabling snapshots to be cleaned up periodically, which saves disk space occupied by volume snapshots. (Ref.
Yeah that’s right. I’ve seen that issue before and I’m tracking it. Nothing else to do then than set up a job that cleans up snapshots. Shouldn’t be a prob. If the snapshots are deleted as the backup data is still there externally - and longhorn do not need this volume snapshot data in the case of a restore right? When the backup system is external to Velero and data stored externally as well? Thanks
Is there any news on when we might see this into a new minted version of Longhorn?
This item is scheduled to be released in v1.4.0 with a release date of December 29th.
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