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# k3s
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no, you can’t create it as cordoned. Cordoned is a combination of a taint (which you can register the node with) and setting spec.unschedulable to true on the node object, which you cannot do.
Does registering it with taints not do enough for you?
also, if you’re using registries.yaml, then containerd is configured before the kubelet starts. And PVCs will just stay pending until Longhorn is ready
None of these seems like things that would require a node to be cordoned, they should just resolve themselves as the cluster comes up normally.
Great input love it … will need to think more about it. We’re using
indeed. That’s injected over
. Haven’t found a better way of automating that as of yet. But, it’s injected after the node becomes ready .. but maybe we should “just” inject
earlier … if possible.
Indeed a taint is an option as well. Would just really like to avoid having to tell consumers of the platform to taint with this or that …
wait so you’re installing k3s, waiting for the node to become ready, then ssh-ing in to drop a registries.yaml and restart k3s?
😊 1
cordon is taint + unschedulable. It’s worse than a taint, in terms of things to ask customers to do.
why can’t you drop the registries.yaml at the same time you’re installing k3s, before starting it?
I might just be very able to do that … so I’ll certainly try that. As that would alleviate some unnecessarily complex logic.
cordon is taint + unschedulable. It’s … sure … We control the process completely though. But, yes in the hopefully not to distant future we’re going to deliver auto-scaling on the node side - and that process needs to be as streamlined as possible.
So having to cordon: taint+unschedulable … is not preferred I agree
Thinking about it I’m quite sure that we inject the
file after K3s is up is because the way the tool we use for bootstrapping
clusters injects files before
is fully up .. that means that the
that we set is not ready at file injection time - e.g. when injecting into the
folder - I’ve been assuming that was the same for the
file where that needs to live (
) if I remember the path correctly. I’ll see if that flow is an issue for the
file. The HCI integration/bootstrapping Kubernetes tool we use, if interested, is