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# rke2
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Have you thought about Rancher + Harvester? This way, you have everything in a declarative way, and you can use Terraform to deploy Kubernetes clusters together with their VMs
Yes we did, but unfortunately we currently don’t have access to the physical layer / virtualisation layer
TF for the VMs and then Ansible for the rest seeing as you’re on “baremetal”.
It’s quite common to use both TF and Ansible as they solve two different things, they complement each other very well.
Yes, we are running on ‘baremetal’. So I use TF to deploy all the required VM’s, and use now some ssh_resource to deploy install scripts, which in turn installs RKE2. But that’s in my opinion not the way to use TF and install software. So I was Googling a bit around and came across those three possible setups, but didn’t really find a ‘best-practice’