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# harvester
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If you exit the shell can you pick a boot option/disk or does it just reboot?
gets me into the pc-q35 system configuration where I can choose device manager, boot manager, boot maintenance manager - none of the boot options appear to work
I am however able to use the maintenance menu in the system configuration to boot from efi/debian/grubx64.efi from FS0 listede in the mapping table in the efi shell
going to try to modify the vfat filesystem and rename debian to grub as I see that appears to be the “default” - not sure why it’s debian in proxmox created machines
that didn’t appear to have any effect
or rather it gave me a system that booted into a grub rescue shell
looks like I’ll just have to add the “debian” boot option and change boot order manually for each VM to migrate to harvester 😭
the next issue being that the uefi changes don’t appear to persist on a reboot
and the solution for anyone finding this later, was annoyingly simple: run
grub-install --removable
to populate the correct paths in the VM before exporting from proxmox
and that's all you did to export the vm from Proxmox?
We recreated the VM definitions using the awesome [terraform harvester provider](, where we attached disks exported (using e.g.
qemu-img convert -f rbd -O qcow2 rbd:main/vm-121-disk-1 /tmp/serve/vm-121-disk-1.qcow2
) from proxmox (ceph rdb storage, where disk-0 was the proxmox EFI drive we simply discarded) after ensuring grub was installed in the expected path using
grub-install --removable