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# general
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โค๏ธ 4
๐Ÿ™Œ 1
Would be GREAT if it also had number of bundles, and number of bundles not sync/OK in Fleet ๐Ÿ™‚ (if you want a stretch goal)
Iirc there's already an existing fleet PR to expose metrics
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Hi @agreeable-oil-87482, Thats a greats start. we additionally need information for project, projects quotas (hard and usage) and the connection between projects, namespaces and guest clusters. Is this something you would add in your exporter?
Is there some plan by the Rancher Project to provide an official prometheus exporter with such metrics? Or is there another api which provides such information e.g in json format?
@ancient-minister-33499 Can you raise an issue for it and I'll see what can be done
@agreeable-oil-87482, Thank you very much in advance.