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# k3s
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So, I'm following this documentation:
Did you see the comment at the bottom about how those instructions are incomplete as of Kubernetes 1.24?
I created the role, then created the serviceaccount, then the rolebinding. However, when I try to get the secret for that account, there's none. Shouldn't this token be created automatically and saved as a Secret? If not, then do you guys know how to create one?
Ohhhhhh... thanks a lot @creamy-pencil-82913, I overlooked that, sorry!
I'm in a bit of a bad situation now, don't know how to solve it: I need to keep using kubectl 1.23 (for company reasons), and with that version there's no
create token
command. Do you know if there's an alternative way of achieving that?
you’re using a 1.24 server but are stuck with a 1.23 client?
Do you not have access to the k3s nodes? If you’re using a k3s 1.24 release, it comes with the same version of kubectl…
Exactly, that's the version difference I have... Actually, I haven't thought about using k3s 's kubectl itself, I'll try that, good idea!
Seems to have worked, thanks! 🙂