<@U3AB5SNSC> <@U3BJR6UTY> or anyone else: I have a...
# general
@fast-piano-59234 @full-painter-23916 or anyone else: I have a thread on the Amazon channel that is not getting any response. So I am posting here. I created an EKS cluster with rancher 2.6.1. I then removed a node group called pool-pvt from the EKS console. Now it looks like rancher is trying, unsuccessfully to recreate it. I am seeing API calls to cloudformation every 7 seconds. Any idea how I can fix this? I see this error in the Rancher Console:
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InvalidParameterException: You cannot specify an AMI Type other than CUSTOM, when specifying an image id in your launch template. { RespMetadata: { StatusCode: 400, RequestID: "f92492c3-3f77-4f63-b91b-c6794fc81488" }, ClusterName: "pano-prod", Message_: "You cannot specify an AMI Type other than CUSTOM, when specifying an image id in your launch template.", NodegroupName: "pool-pvt" }