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# general
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You can export all your existing local images in docker desktop following a process similar to the one described here:
Then, you can use the Rancher Desktop provided nerdctl to import them. Just do "nerdctl load image_tar_fie"
Thanks. I tried the above steps but with the load command getting a 'no such file found' issue.
I tried this other way and it worked for me. I used "save" instead of "export" to created the backup.
Copy code
multirole1:~ # docker images |  grep  25ddd5cd4c11
rancher/fleet-agent                                   v0.3.9                 25ddd5cd4c11   5 months ago    155MB
multirole1:~ # docker save -o fleet-agent.tar 25ddd5cd4c11
Then the import on my Rancher Desktp (Mac based, I don't have a Windows machine to test it)
Copy code
juan@suselua  ~/Downloads  nerdctl load -i fleet-agent.tar
unpacking overlayfs@sha256:e3092ed99ef5500210c8f1da1389315e6a3b14719c7ff29fa0ab88afd3e5795c (sha256:e3092ed99ef5500210c8f1da1389315e6a3b14719c7ff29fa0ab88afd3e5795c)...done
 juan@suselua  ~/Downloads  nerdctl images
REPOSITORY    TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED          PLATFORM       SIZE         BLOB SIZE
nginx         latest    859ab6768a6f    4 months ago     linux/amd64    149.1 MiB    54.1 MiB
overlayfs     <none>    e3092ed99ef5    7 seconds ago    linux/amd64    150.2 MiB    148.9 MiB