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# harvester
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does it throw any error? or just hang?
No error as I can see, it is as if it doesn’t even tries to join the cluster. But I am very new at this so there are plenty I do not understand yet.
are you connected via kubectl?
No I have looked for the rke2.yaml but it doesn’t seem to be generated.
# kubectl get nodes W0914 172717.531333 4076 loader.go:221] Config not found: /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
your configs are off you are going to need that on that new node/host first
It is as if the installation hasn’t really installed everything. The other day on another node it auto join by it self. and the only different between these two nodes is this was the first to be installed in the cluster. Which configs are you referring to?
And thank you for taking your time.
I have tried to compare this node with a functioning node and on this node several files are missing. But maybe these are syncronized once the node has joined the cluster?
they should be able to stand alone I am not sure it can do it that way. did you remove the other node from the orginal cluster?
when you re-add the node i assume you followed the join procedure?
Which join procedure are you referring to? I have removed the Node as described in the documentation and then I ran the installer and chose to Join a Cluster.
I reinstalled the whole cluster.