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# k3s
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Just join the agents to the cluster. If they are not on the same network then the vxlan flannel backend probably won't work, and you'd need to build the cluster with the wireguard or ipsec flannel backend.
Thanks @creamy-pencil-82913, I will look this up and very likely come back with more questions 😅
Hey @creamy-pencil-82913, I have few newbie questions 1. Would setting up a cluster using Wireguard have any costs in terms of network (data transfer speeds) etc? 2. Would the data transfer between nodes which are on the same network (on prem) slow down as result of using Wireguard?
1. Probably 2. Probably Encrypting everything is almost certainly going to be more expensive in terms of cpu time than just encapsulating it in a vxlan header.
👍 1
But vxlan is not secure and won't work across NAT or most ISPs, so you really need to use either wireguard or ipsec if all of the nodes aren't hosted in the same place.
Thanks a lot @creamy-pencil-82913