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# rancher-desktop
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How do you determine the number of cores actually locked to qemu? And is this on Intel or Arm?
im on arm i have a coworker o n intel, but their cpu usage will never exceed say 130% on mac, leading us to belive it's only using one core as if it was using all it woul be a far higher percentage with mac math
I've checked this on Intel with this deployment (to use max CPU):
If I set the number of CPUs to 2, then I can see (In Activity Monitor) that the
process uses 200%, and when I switch to 4 CPUs, it uses 397%, so it seems to be working correctly.
Please let me know if you see something different.
myself and several other devs here are not seeing that
You have to provide more information. Did you reproduce it with the deployment I just sent you? How many cores does your machine have, are they hyperthreaded, how many did you allocate to RD, and did you use Activity Monitor to check the number.
I now did the same test on an M1 mini, and it has essentially the same results, except I get only 360% with 4 CPUs allocated, probably because of other stuff running on the machine.
Maybe you results are due to your workloads; maybe you are running just a single container, and the container is limited to one CPU or something. Then we would need to look at how you are running it, via kubernetes, or plain docker or nerdctl, and/or if the app isn't really multithreaded etc.
But my test shows that RD will use all allocated CPUs when you present it with multiple non-locking containers to make use of them.
I was now wondering if this might be related to the container engine, but I switched from containerd to moby and re-ran the test (on Intel), and still get the same results.