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# general
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When creating the deployment everything is OK. Editing it later is broken, it looks like all the sections that are container specific do not get updated when you select a container everything is filled with container-0 values.
how are you editing it? YAML or the Edit Config button?
I can’t reproduce this, I am able to edit multi-container deployments just fine without it mangling anything.
Can you provide a sample deployment that you can reproduce this on, and steps to reproduce it?
I use the edit button, I'll do a quick gif and try to find a way to reproduce from scratch create then edit.
What browser are you using?
could possibly be a UI issue on some browsers?
chrome 105.something
no obvious error in console will try with firefox too
fresh session in firefox (104.blabla) does the same 😞
I hope it help reproduce ...
Can you open a GH issue and attach that GIF?
I do see that the editor is showing the wrong environment variables when I switch between containers. it seems arbitrary which one I get the env for. I suspect it’s doing the same thing with the command, arguments, etc
Will do.
Sorry was travelling it took me a while :