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# rke2
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they can technically be different, but it will lead to the nodes behaving differently 🤷
kubelet-arg was probably a bad example, as that should be tweaked/set on the agents as well
examples of what I’ve tweaked in the past for things like metrics scraping from outside the cluster
Copy code
etcd-expose-metrics: true
  - "bind-address="
  - "metrics-bind-address="
yeah, I'm mostly referring to the things that are 'cluster' options like
cni: none
what happens if one of the server nodes doesn't have that and another does or they have different values etc? or should I only set that on the bootstrap node and then have quite minimal configs for all the other servers similar to the agent configs
those values aren’t propagated that I know of, so you’ll need them on all nodes that you plan to interact with in that way
things like
cni: none
are part of the rancher cluster config that get automatically pushed down to the clusters I believe
so that's a 'last man wins' scenario as well?
no idea in that scenario
I think best practice is to make sure they match to prevent issues if something goes offline
👍 1