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# rancher-desktop
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I’m using M1 mac. Thank you.
I assume you've disabled Traefik? I've read elsewhere that doing so was necessary to get Istio to work. Also, how are you installing Istio? Via a helm chart? Kubectl? And what are these logs for, Istio I guess?
I wonder if Istio is expecting something around iptables that the RD VM (which is based on Alpine Linux) doesn't have, or has a different version of
You might also try running
iptables-restore --help
in the VM and posting the result here. Maybe the Istio devs could shed some light on this as well
Hello, Thanks for the reply. Yes i’ve disabled Traefik for ingress-nginx. iptables-restore --help in wich VM? i’m working with Mac Rancher Desktop...
Yes i’ve disabled Traefik for ingress-nginx.
That's good, though what does ingress-nginx have to do with this? Are you running Istio and ingress-nginx simultaneously? If so, wouldn't you have a port conflict?
iptables-restore --help in wich VM? i’m working with Mac Rancher Desktop...
In the Rancher Desktop VM. You can get into it with
rdctl shell
Are you running an M1 mac with macOS version 12.5.1? Many users have been reporting issues with RD once they upgraded to this version of macOS.
i’m running M1 on 12.5 version. The ingress-nginx replace traefik in my case. Basically i’ve a project running with ingress-nginx and i’m trying to move it to istio. I will try to remove the ingress-nginx conf to see what happen. I wanna thank you so much for your replies.
iptables-restore --help
Well I'm stumped. This is going to need more investigation by a dev. Would you please create an issue?
Ok, thank you 🙂
Hello @jolly-forest-99711 i want to tell you that i’ve found a working solution for my case : Thanks a lot