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# longhorn-storage
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I have found
Root causes
2. The network bandwidth is not sufficient. Normally 1Gbps network will only able to serve 3 volumes if all of those volumes are running a high intensive workload
My Bandwith is
930 Mbits/sec
between nodes And node1 have 0 replicas (master) node2 have 5 replicas of diffrent pvc node3 have 6 replicas node4 have 3 replicas node5 have 3 replicas and number of volume is 6 (one of the biggest pvc volume is 15Gi) It can make a issue in my case?
The io error might be probably caused by the insufficient network bandwidth or short network outage.
@icy-agency-38675 thanks for response hmm I suspect dns resoultion in my cluster (short network outage, or time resolution is sometimes 3sec instead of instant ) how longhorn-managers and other components will communicate to each other? they are using service name or something? (for example
) if not the second is short network outage in random periods
Use the IP address mostly.