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# harvester
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cc @witty-apple-56603 Could you help to answer this? Thank you.
Typically I use the following simple steps to prepare import Harvester into nested Rancher 1. Create Ubuntu 20.04 cloud focal image 2. Enable network and create an available VLAN network (eg. name: vlan 1 id: 1) 3. Create a Ubuntu 20.04 cloud focal VM on Harvester 4. Add user data
Copy code
password: 123456
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True
5. ssh to Ubuntu VM 6. Install docker CE 7. Run docker command to install Rancher
sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --privileged rancher/rancher:v2.6.6
8. Get the registration URL in Rancher virtualization management 9. Go to Harvester settings 10. Input the URL into the cluster-registration-url page
🙌 1
@witty-apple-56603 thanks
❤️ 1
I wrote an article on Rancher VM with Harvester I need to update it for Harvester 1.0.x but hopefully it will help
👍 1
@witty-apple-56603: We trying to integrate Harvester with Rancher and followed the same instruction that you gave here. However, the Harvester cluster remains in pending state in Rancher UI (Virtualization Management). See the screenshots below:
Typically it may most likely related to the network connection between Rancher and Harvester. You check the connectivity from Rancher to Harvester. Perhaps there are some routing, proxy or VPN connection. Most of the time when I do rancher integration I would try to set Harvester and Rancher under the same subnet