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# general
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This does not happen on my MAC or in Ubuntu 18. But does on Ubuntu 20.
what kubernetes version is it?
and what Rancher version?
rancher 2.6.1, k8s EKS 1.20
I just built a brand new deployment machine using ubuntu 18. And encountered the same problem.
rancher kubectl rollout status -w deployment acmepa -n acmepa
and got this response:
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deployment "acmepa" successfully rolled out
E0818 17:54:51.211673    8228 reflector.go:383] <|>: Failed to watch *unstructured.Unstructured: Get <>: unexpected EOF
similar to others that posted in that tread I linked to earlier.
In the comments on that issue, they said it worked when http2 was disabled in the ingress - does that have any effect?
I will check that. Not sure if I am using nginx lb or not.
hmmm that fix assumes that I have a configmap called
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which I do not.
This was the command that I used to install and create the ingress:
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helm repo add ingress-nginx <>
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
  ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
  --namespace ingress-nginx \
  --set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer \
  --version 3.12.0 \
The result was and classic ELB.
weird thing is that was created 300 days ago. But this problem only recently started happening.
Since it only recently started happening, did anything else change recently?
A bug with proxied kubectl commands hanging was fixed in 2.6.6, so I would be interested to know if this bug is also reproducible in 2.6.6.
is 2.6.6 considered stable yet?
So I disabled http/2 on the server load balancer and that resolved the issue.
2.6.7 is the latest stable version